
The alpine skiing is a winter sport. Characterized by moving the skier with ascent and descent in snowy lands, mostly in the mountains. Used skis (skiing) and in some cases mountaineering equipment for the safe passage of obstacles arising in the snowy mountains. Within this action of man, not motorized means are used and the traffic generated -apokleistika- from natural powers and abilities of skier (skiers).

The ski mountaineering historically precedes, all winter sports that we know and use snowshoes. The reason is that it was invented and used by old man for fast, hunting and survival in snowy lands, until it today and become a sport.
The athletic activity is largely prevalent in paralpies countries. In Greece has its own public, which is larger in recent years. It’s a social sport and team. It takes the form of organized sports, or excursions from people who know.
In our country, there are some mountaineering clubs that cultivate the above two forms of ski mountaineering, with EOOA (Greek Mountaineering and Climbing Federation) on top of the pyramid, where it falls as a sport.

In excursion form, has several exploration data, because the quality of snow is changing day by day and sometimes hour by hour, depending on temperature, humidity and ambient air.
Therefore, even in the same area on the same route is very interesting and important contribution, on the physical and mental wellbeing.
For our country, the ideal is the period from mid-January to mid-April, depending on the quantity and quality of snow and weather conditions. Ideal is when the weather is fine and has dropped 20 centimeters of fresh snow, up on the previous old.
It’s something I enjoy, everyone involved with it.
Someone who wants to deal with the mountain skiing, be aware downhill skiing and going through a learning process, with certified instructor. You need a special key equipment (skis, bindings, boots, sticks) and special accessories (clothing).
Since it has passed special training and have the right equipment, it needs a similar company and good time for outings.
Get the Alpine Ski Schools courses that we organize and view photos from various levels of education, to see how you can enjoy skiing on natural slopes!

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